Sporadic panic attacks

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by Dianewest on Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:22 pm

Sporadic panic attacks

Hello - I'm new here but keen to share my experience having read about this forum on Twitter.

I've had a couple of panic attacks in my life and they've been quite frightening. Once was on a plane when we hit really bad turbulence and without warning I was gasping for air, hyperventilating, shaking and my heart was racing. Thankfully, I don't get them often - I really do feel for people who get them regularly. I saw Piers Morgan interview Peter Andre on TV recently. I didn't realise until then that Peter Andre had such awful panic attacks and he was clearly deeply affected by them.

Recently my daughter's started to have mild panic attacks. She's a worrier and let's things fester which I think is half the problem. She's described feeling her heart racing all over her body and her chest tightening. I try hard to play it down as I think the more that she worries the more she will panic. Any tips anyone can give me would really help as it's a fine line between helping her and worrying her even more.

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by Steve on Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:51 pm

Re: Sporadic panic attacks

Hi Diane - whilst I dont' suffer with panic attacks, I thought i'd just say hello. I hope you manage to get some tips and help about your daughter's panic attacks.


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by annadizzy on Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:58 pm

Re: Sporadic panic attacks

Hi I'm new here but really glad I found this place, looks like just what I need.
I have mild panic attacks quite often. They seem to come out of nowhere - my heart starts racing, I can't breathe and feel dizzy, sometimes it feels like my heart is trying to pump its way out of my chest and I get really hot and sweaty.
At first they were really scary but now I know I'm not actually going to die from them I can manage them a little better. I don't know how to prevent them but when I feel one coming on I reassure myself that it is nothing serious, I'm not ill and I won't pass out. I concentrate on my breathing and try to slow it down by timing each breath. This seems to work for me, the most useful thing I find is the reassuring myself that I'm OK and nothing serious will happen.
Hope this helps :)

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by Shona1998 on Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:31 pm

Re: Sporadic panic attacks

I have been getting panic attacks for the past 13 years I always know when they come on as my heart starts to beat very fast and it feels like it will come out of my chest I start to sweat and feel dizzy. Sometimes I think I might pass out my mouth goes dry and I feel a big lump in my neck the worst part is when my I feel that I can't breath after all the years of having panic attacks everyone is like the first time and they do scare me still.

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by britycole6690 on Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:00 am

Re: Sporadic panic attacks

Hi! I’ve started taking something recently for my anxiety and panic attacks that has really helped me. It’s a natural supplement but has proven effects on many diseases and ailments. It’s called protandim and I’m pretty amazed by what it has done for more if your interested in more details let me know :)

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by hundalmarck@gmail.com on Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:25 am

Re: Sporadic panic attacks

Don't worry about panic attacks.

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