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weird tension headaches where theres no pain but just pressure all over head/skull

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:37 am
by DMARXX123
Okay...where do I start. I actually don’t know if this pain is even remotely connected to my tooth pain but I honestly don’t have a clue what it is and was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. It started when I had a mild dull tooth pain on my root canal with crown. My jaw would feel swollen a little bit but it wouldn’t go to full blown toothache (can’t eat on it/ throbbing pain) it lasted for 15 days and it’s a nagging feeling of irritation in my jaw and teeth/gums. It started when I ate a taco on my root canal and that night I woke up with pain on my root canal crown when biting down. Then I woke up that morning and it was gone but still felt irritated in my gums. This, again lasted for 15 days. Then, it went away for about 3 weeks and then I woke up one day with strange headaches. I don’t know if I can even call it a headache. My head would feel like it’s burning if I don’t move my head for like 1-2 mins. And then I touch my head and it feels normal. Almost like it wasn’t there. Then it comes back after not moving again for 1-2 mins. This would especially be intensified when trying to sleep. I’d start to feel burning feeling almost like the feeling you get when you’re anxious. You know like something terrible happened. And I get this sensation in my throat and back of my neck and my all over my head. Then my head started feeling tender and it became unbearable to even tie my hair. When I’d lay down to sleep the sensation would start immediately and i can’t explain it. It’s like tension all over my neck and head. I’d get these weird shooting/cold/feeling like something is crawling at the top of my head. Weirdly though the feeling of shooting pain would only be on one side and that’s the side with the tooth. I had a tooth infection before and I felt shooting pains in my head but nothing like this before. Then at night Then I start getting really anxious and have to get up and calm myself down(which is nearly impossible) which lead to sleepless nights. All while im feeing this I don’t have lain in my teeth whatsoever. I’d have to lay on my bed sleeping upright. Then THAT became unbearable. Can’t even lay down without freaking out/ feeling anxious. Like my whole body would be buzzing and the sensation of burning and a lump in my throat would be so intense. Then again when I move or touch my head or neck it feels completely normal. And then t comes back. I can’t say it’s pain but it feels painful. NO PAIN MEDS WORK. It’s like this constant feeling of anxiety. Never ending. Then I gained a new symptom. Pins and needles/ burning sensation in my arms and legs. Would be EXTREMELY intense when lying down. AND I’m extremely sensitive to sound every time I lay down to sleep. When lay down every sound is like a hit to my head. My head feels not like pain but a zap of anxious feeling. I keep mentioning anxiety but it’s just not that. This is physical. So fast forward -> my arms legs head and neck now have a burning sensation(I can’t find any other words to explain this) I just can’t seem to think it’s anxiety because this is a completely new feeling that I woke up one day with. My arms and legs would feel prickly but when I touch them it will feel completely normal but then intensify right after not moving for a minute. This has been going on for a month and half now and I’m losing my mind. Sometimes it would just hit me during the day and I’d feel antsy and nervous. When I wake up at night it would be like a slap in the face. Hit me all over again. So my question is: can my root canal be causing this? Could it be a fracture? I went to my doctor and they didn’t find anything but iron and vitamin d deficiencies but I’ve been on them for almost a month and really no change. I did go to the dentist because my tooth did hurt when I ate on that side. She gave me Clindamycin for my swelling and as I was taking it I don’t know if that’s the reason but my symptoms have subsided a bit. My primary says it could be a tension headache because I do complain that my head feels burning sensation and my arms and legs feel the same burning. But I feel like this is from my tooth.

Has anyone else felt these symptoms? I’ve searched every forum out there and NOTHING. I feel so alone. My main concern is that it’s REALLY intense when laying down. I can’t get a good nights sleep. I’m writing this and I’m feeling it. It came back this afternoon after two weeks and I’m freaking out. It’s been about 10 days sinc I finished my antibiotics and for a month now I have a fear of sleeping and I don’t lay down to rest my head in the daytime anymore. I don’t know what to do anymore. I just want to know what’s wrong with me. Recently I’ve Ben having full aches in my jaw where the tooth is and if that’s the reason I couldn’t run faster to the dentist to extract it. These weird sensations in my head have been literally ruining my life. Please anyone feel this way?????

Re: weird tension headaches where theres no pain but just pressure all over head/skull

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:01 pm
by talkhealth

Thank you for posting on the forum and sorry to hear of your symptoms and the frustrating and stressful journey that you have been on. It sounds very difficult for you to know where to turn to.

Unfortunately we are unable to diagnose individual conditions here, but it does sound very much like anxiety is playing a large part in all this. It can cause all sorts of physical sensations and the more we worry, the more intense the sensations become or new ones then start which can be undestandably very unsettling. We would urge you to first get in contact with your dentist again to rule out anything else organic happening and then your GP to help you manage your anxiety.

We hope you start to feel better soon.

Kind regards

Re: weird tension headaches where theres no pain but just pressure all over head/skull

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:01 pm
by DMARXX123
hello, thank you for your reply. The thing is I don't feel mentally anxious. That's why I feel like something is definitely wrong with me. I will continue to see my GP until I find out what's wrong.