Eye Pain Causes and Treatment

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by RebeccaHill on Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:32 am

Eye Pain Causes and Treatment

Pain in the eye or ophthalmalgia and ophthalmodynia is caused by conditions involving the eyeball (orbit) or be caused by conditions of structures around the eye.


Common causes of eye pain are foreign objects in your eye (eyelash, a piece of dirt, or makeup) that results irritation, redness, watery eyes, and pain.

When the eyelid become infected and inflamed.

Contact lenses that are worn overnight and were not disinfected properly.

Chemical burns and flash burns to the eye from Injury.

There are various treatments you can do to prevent eye pain to gets worse.

Free your eyes from stress. Too much staring at computers or telivision can strain your eyes. Also, avoid reading in low light.

Warm Compress

If something gets into your eye, flush it with water.

Antibacterial drops and oral antibiotics


We need to remember that we need sharp vision to perform our daily task. So it is important to eat healthy foods and have a regular check up.

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by pamdawber on Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:19 am

Re: Eye Pain Causes and Treatment

Eye pain can be described as burning, dull, gritty, aching, pressure, throbbing, or stabbing. Sometimes eye pain is confused with other symptoms, such as a headache, sinus pain, toothache, or a migraine.Various precautions should be taken care for protection of our eyes. Staring at a computer monitor for hours can put a real strain on our eyes . I would advise to wear glasses when one is on the computer and also to protect our eyes from UV rays of sunlight .
Last edited by talkhealth on Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by David147 on Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:36 am

Re: Eye Pain Causes and Treatment

Eye pain requires immediate diagnosis by a specialist. Don't wait but go to the emergency department of a hospital. It is possible that you have extreme eye strain, but it is important to rule out other (more dangerous) causes. If you have eyestrain, then, unfortunately, doctors are pretty useless and you'll be on your own. There is virtually no cure for eye pain that arises from eyestrain.

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