Chanches of X linked itchyosis to KID

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by shefalibv on Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:27 pm

Chanches of X linked itchyosis to KID

My husband has X linked itchyosis from birth. Apart from this he has no other ailment.
I have a normal skin and no ailment.

So what are chanches of our kid having/not having x linked itchyosis?

If I read the genetic informations on net then males have XY chromosome and females have XX.
So If I have a boy then he should not have X linked itchyosis and if I have a girl then she should be carries of x linked itchyosis.
Is this correct?

Is there any way to ensure the fathers x linked disease does not get passed to kid?

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by talkhealth on Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:42 pm

Re: Chanches of X linked itchyosis to KID

Hello there,

Sorry to hear about your husbands condition and we understand your concern for your future children potentially inheriting any conditions.

Take a look at this page from the NHS choices -
Hopefully it may provide you with any answers you may have. Also you can seek information from a medical professional such as a gynaecologist who may be able to provide you with better detail.

Hope this helps.
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