Help! Pre-employment Medical Dilemma!

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by apbaker66 on Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:31 am

Help! Pre-employment Medical Dilemma!

Hi there,

I'm new to this forum so please excuse any schoolboy errors! I also haven't had the time yet to review any other posts to see how things are normally done as I'm in a rush...sorry about that. I'm guessing there are forum moderators whole will move this post if appropriate.

I'm a chronic psoriasis sufferer and have been for many years. I generally manage the condition well and apart from when I have a flare-up on my hands, to look at me when I'm fully clothed you would probably have no idea I am a sufferer. Consequently, most of my family and friends have no idea, and think my refusal to ever wear short sleeves and shorts is more of a personal fashion statement than my attempt to hide my skin! And I've done a great job of convincing them over the years that I'm just so bored of beach holidays/swimming/saunas etc. these days!

The issue I have is this. Having just gone through five months of unemployment I have just received an offer for a fantastic job, one which could really turn my life around. However, imagine my horror when I received an email copy of my contract two days ago saying that my employment was subject to passing a medical screening. Now don't get me wrong, the job is purely desk-based - it's not particularly high-powered and only as physical as any desk job ever gets...bending down to pick up a dropped stapler, putting new paper in the printer...that kind of thing. I've been assured that it's only a general "health and well-being" type of medical and there won't be any running on treadmills or that kind of stuff. But of course, as you can no doubt imagine, none of that matters if I'm going to be made to remove any clothing as part of the process! My stomach churns every time I think about how the whole scenario might play out, and really all I want to do is run away and have no part of it, but that would just be stupid, both financially (I'm now broke and desperately need the job) and career-wise.

So, my question is, what would you do if you were me? Should I just be upfront from the start and say "Look doc, ask me to take any clothes off and you'll need to get the cleaners in to hoover up before you see the next person?". And if I do that, am I likely to be putting my chances of getting the job in jeopardy? Have any of you been in a similar situation? I just can't bear the thought of stripping down to my boxers in front of a stranger and standing there so exposed when generally hiding my situation is pretty much a full time hobby.

Any thoughts or advice would be very gratefully received. I'm hoping that people on here are understanding enough to not tell me just to stop being so stupid!

Many thanks.

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