Advice/input on a possible small cyst?

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by matt044480 on Sat Jan 04, 2025 2:03 pm

Advice/input on a possible small cyst?

Hi everyone,

I've just signed up here. First of all I have a doctor's appointment about this next Friday. And I've also asked a couple of my friends, one a retired doctor, the other still practicing.

So in one of my testicles , for at least a year but could be closer to two. I've had a soft to touch and the size of no more than a pea. It gives me no discomfort and doesn't inhibit my life in anyway. It hasn't gotten any bigger. My job is very physical and I am easily still playing tennis lots.

A lot of the time I can't feel anything, it's as if it moves around/disappears!

I did google the symptoms of the sinister thing down there, and I have none of them.

The practicing doctor mentioned probably a cyst.

Has anyone ever had anything similar?

Before I see the doc next Friday. I just wondered if anyone had any words of reassurance/comfort? With something like this it's human nature to always assume the worst. But I guess there's always many innocent possibilities for something like this also.

Thanks all, Matt