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Clear of Eczema for over a Month!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:47 pm
by minime001
For the past 5 months I have been using many natural and organic products the most beneficial, I suppose is the combined effort in managing my condition.

Clothes washing was hard, I use the Alma Win Washing Powder and this halted my contact dermatitis almost straight away, I especially noticed improvement at night time as all the sheets would be in constant contact with my skin and once the burning heat restarted the itch off, I was a bloody weeping mess.

I've chucked all my synthetic perfumes away as they caused redness and rashes on my skin. Caused migraines and I couldn't stand spraying them in the house. My house is now 100% synthetic chemical free and I am so much healthier.

It has been so hard but actually realising there is no cure was the kick up the butt I needed. I just needed to learn how to manage my allergies rather than dogging my Doctor every few days :cry: