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Cynthia Meagan
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:17 am

by Cynthia Meagan on Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:31 am


Itching and Scratching Itching and Scratching.......
I was put in karate when I was in junior high, I had gained an anger issue with my constant pain so my father saw it fit to enroll me in karate. I was in it for a couple years, while in it i discovered that i had accuired athleats foot on my hands? since i had such terrible eczema my skin picked it up fast. what i didnt realize is that i scratch..... with my hands...... I ended up mixing my eczema and my athleats foot in to one and now i have to put anti fungl cream on my eczema flare spots too :/ It has two trigger itchy reasons now lol just cant win