Looking for S. Bay Area Itch Dr.

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by imscotte1 on Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:42 pm

Looking for S. Bay Area Itch Dr.


I’m 52 years old and live in San Jose, California and have had a serious (as in driving me up a wall serious) problem with itchy skin for years. Been to several doctors, tried a lot of things and can’t say that I’m any better off for it :( In Aug. of 2009, I was diagnosed (through a biopsy) with Spongiform Dermatitis (or Eczema, so I was told), although I’m not convinced that this is the sole cause of my itchiness.

At this time, all that I’m looking for is a recommendation for a top notch Dermatologist (itch Dr.) in the South Bay (San Jose) or Peninsula area that I can work with on treating my condition (whatever it may be) as I’m not happy with the Dermatologist I’m going to now.

Any recommendations would be very much appreciated. Thank you! :)
