Reducing Eczema Inflammation effectively

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by LBrooks1929 on Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:21 am

Reducing Eczema Inflammation effectively

Hello ,

So I've been a longtime sufferer of chronic Eczema and i thought id post on this site to share my experience , and what i've found works in reducing inflammation effectively. My story- I was bed ridden for almost a year , i had open wounds for nearly 2 years and my body was fully covered in eczema. Having Eczema sucks! Especially when modern medicine doesn't offer much help. I spent years on steroids , immunosuppressants and topical steroids. Im glad to say that i no longer have to take oral medication , i had to figure out what actually works through diet and other things to gain control of my symptoms.
Here are four things you can do straight away to reduce your symptoms:
Cold Showers - Now this isn't pleasant , but neither is having itchy skin. If you want to immediately get some relief , take an ice cold shower. 3 mins minimum. If you can't handle fully cold , then start warm and work your way up to have a fully cold shower. Your body will thank you for this. Deeps breaths will help you stay in the shower for longer. People with eczema get hot! Especially during sleep , keeping your body cool and blood circulation strong , will give you a world of relief.
Start taking Flaxseed oil orally - Omega 3's are super important for healthy skin. Go out and get flaxseed oil from your local chemist or health food shop. Preferably the fridged bottles as they contain the most omega 3's. Omega 3's reduce inflammation , 3 tablespoons of this a day will help get your symptoms down.
Celery Juice - As much as I'm not a fan of instagram trends , celery juice works. Taking a cup 250ml of celery juice a day will have a positive effect on your eczema. Make sure you have it on an empty stomach , its best to have at the start of the day. DO NOT MIX it with any other juice or ice, it needs to be straight celery juice or you will change the molecular structure and it will not be as effective. Your symptoms may increase for 2- 3 days when you first start taking celery juice , this is normal. They will reduce after this period and you begin to feel the healing power of this amazing herb.
Look at your Diet!
Now this is the hard one. Im a chef and i never wanted to change my diet for obvious reasons. But as soon as i started making changes , i noticed a difference. This is perhaps the most important thing to do. When you have an eczema flare up your body is trying to tell you its responding to something. Eczema is part of an immune response. Doctors will tell you your body is attacking itself , i don't believe this is true. Your body is attacking something in the system it wants to get rid off. Iam not a doctor or health professional, but as i mentioned i have had to figure this out myself and this is what i think is going on. Liver health is related to skin health. If your liver isn't doing well then neither is your skin. Helping your liver will help your skin. I think there are bugs and viruses that live deep within the liver , its where they hide from the immune cells. When you eat certain foods you feed these bad bacterias and viruses. Hence , your body goes into a immune response once they have been fed ( You become itchy) . Gluten , high sugar foods ,eggs and Dairy are foods viruses and bugs thrive on. I recommend that you stop eating all of the above foods for a week and slowly introduce them back into your diet so can see what your responding too. You'd be surprised how much your diet is effecting you're eczema.

Anyway i hope this helps! Eczema doesn't have to be a life sentence! Infact , having eczema has made me take control of my life and diet. You have to be committed to improving your health and with that your eczema will also improve. Good luck and stay positive!