Comments and awareness

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by Kathryna_9 on Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:09 pm

Comments and awareness

I know eczema is nothing to be ashamed of, but when people ask me about it it really gets to me!!

I work in a vet practice, and a client pointed to my arm when i had lots of quite big spots rather than rash-y, "ooo, has a cat attacked you?!" Well, no, because that would result in scratches, not spots... and even if i had, I work in a vets.. its gonna happen!! I wouldnt have minded so much if i had been attacked, it wouldnt have made me so self conscious *puts cardi on*

Also, i've been wearing a cotton glove with the fingers cut off to work to protect my hand as its so fragile and sore following the bad eczema, and people point at it etc...

People need to be made aware of eczema!!
