Sun or Pollen Allergies ??

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by AnnaB on Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:06 pm

Sun or Pollen Allergies ??

Since the first signs of spring broke my son has been suffering with really bad eczema flares. He had Ige blood tests last summer which showed grass and tree pollen to be an issue to him. I'd put the flares down to that. But the hosptal have just suggested he looks like he is allergic to sun light - photo agrevated eczema!

How do I keep a 4 year old out of the sun??

Does anyone have any tips on dealing with a sun allergy?

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by chocofrolic on Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:03 pm

Re: Sun or Pollen Allergies ??

Hi my son doesn't react well to the sun either. There are lots of clothes that you can buy now that are lightweight and have an SPF rating built into them. I've found that they've really helped with allowing my son to be outside in the sunshine.

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by advhccenter on Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:22 am

Re: Sun or Pollen Allergies ??

Sun sensitivity is an expansive term. It depicts a few circumstances that make an irritated rash structure on the skin subsequent to being in daylight or different wellsprings of bright (UV) radiation

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