finding a doctor who cares.

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by jenmiller842 on Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:12 pm

finding a doctor who cares.

I've been struggling with pain for 2 yrs. Finally got a diagnosis about a month ago of fibromyalgia. However, I was told there is no specialists/anything that can help.

I am struggling with costochondritis, depression and now siatica however my gp just says I need to keep my motivation up and exercise and lose weight. I am currently the lightest I have been since my teens however can still barely walk.

I need to find someone who is willing to help me, believe me and not just pump me full of drugs that stop me being able to look after my young children. It feels like my only way out is a final way.

Where can I find a fibro specialist,surely there is one?

Thank you.

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pam stewart
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by pam stewart on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:29 pm

Re: finding a doctor who cares.

Provision for fibromyalgia patients varies widely and as does knowledge by medical professionals at all levels.

FMA UK has a booklet for medical professionals which is available on our website and can be sent out free of charge directly to the medical professionals who request it or have it requested for them. (

There is also information on the Map of Medicine site Long Term Chronic Pain Fibromyalgia which medical professionals can access.

Our information for patients also gives an overview of treatment management which can be discussed with your GP.

If a GP is not confident in diagnosing fibromyalgia, patients are usually sent to a rheumatologist who can then suggest a course of action. Sometimes FM patients are seen at a pain clinic or by a pain specialist.
There is no guarantee that the medical professional you see will have in depth knowledge about fibromyalgia though.

If there is one, your local support group would be the best place to find out where the best services are in your area. Ring our helpline 0844 887 2444 and they can tell you where your nearest is located and give you their contact details.

FMA UK is working towards improving the services and knowledge of medical professionals and as well as supply information, attends professional conferences to inform those present about fibromyalgia management. Although the situation is improving we still have a long way to go.
Pam Stewart
Fibromyalgia Association UK (Chair)

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by jenmiller842 on Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:29 pm

Re: finding a doctor who cares.

So does this mean there is a specialist I can ask to be referred to?

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pam stewart
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by pam stewart on Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:48 pm

Re: finding a doctor who cares.

There should be a rheumatologist, neurologist or pain specialist in your area but your local support group is the most likely source of this information. We know the private clinic specialising in FM is closed because of the death of the consultant.
Pam Stewart
Fibromyalgia Association UK (Chair)

4 posts