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I am a 41 year old male & have Suffered from Psoriasis for around four years now.I did have some bad Eczema as
a Child but this Stopped around the age of Ten.Some say Eczema as a Child could be a sign of Future Psoriasis maybe.
I have had Outbreaks all over my Body at times & know how hellish it can be.
I have used many different Prescribed Creams some better than others.I have done some Research over the Net like
yourself to try & find some "ANSWERS".Tried to Self Diagnose by Cutting various Foods out of my Diet & have learnt
some good things along the way.
The first thing I would say is you should Consider getting a Allergy test done first as many Skin complaints
are a Reaction to a Allergy you may not be aware you have.Anyhow it's a good thing to know because a Allergy
Reaction on top of Psoriasis is not a good thing at all dealing with the two.
So some Discoveries I have found have helped me Immensely some things we all know already but when its comes to
Psoriasis they are very Important.
"STRESS" I would put right at the Top of the list first as Psoriasis is a STRESS on the Body & your Skin Reacting to
that STRESS.Consider looking at what "STRESSERS" you out the most & doing something that may help with that.
Take more time out if need be for yourself & be kind to yourself.
Do things more that you Enjoy & I Don't mean more "DRUGS" or "ALCOHOL" sounds simple but so true.
I have found myself when Drinking "ALCOHOL" as I like a Drop or two the next thing I know my Psoriasis Inflames even
more badly.Our Bodies are often trying to tell us things I have learnt now to listen more.
"DIET" as we all know is most Important-we are what we eat they say.Now I'm not going to make a list of Dos & Don'ts
we all know that to many Fats and What-nots along with over Indlging just isn't good for us.More Food that is good
for ourselves is all I will say again sounds simple but so true.
Now I want to Share something that has helped myself Immensely I believe.After Searching the net for some time
looking for some "ANSWERS" & things that may help with Psorisias.I came across people talking about the Spice
"TURMERIC" & we all know "GARLIC" & how its working for alot of them.I Decided hey give it a go & I must say
after only a Week on the two together what a Difference Psoriasis almost gone Completely.Now I'm not going to say
it's going to work for you but it has for myself & many others."TURMERIC" Just like "GARLIC" has been used so
much in History to help with many Ailments do your own Research see what you find."TURMERIC" is now been looked at
more closely by Science.Some tests show help with Cells in the Body.Now I don't think you should Overdose on the
Stuff it may not be for you - Myself I used about a Teaspoon of Powdered "TURMERIC" a day on & with my Food along
with around 5 or 6 "GARLIC" Cloves a Day.I must add I also was taking a good Fish Oil 2 tablets a Day at the same
time.I do Hope this Helps some of you out there with your Psoriasis,Remember never give up hope & keep trying.
I am a 41 year old male & have Suffered from Psoriasis for around four years now.I did have some bad Eczema as
a Child but this Stopped around the age of Ten.Some say Eczema as a Child could be a sign of Future Psoriasis maybe.
I have had Outbreaks all over my Body at times & know how hellish it can be.
I have used many different Prescribed Creams some better than others.I have done some Research over the Net like
yourself to try & find some "ANSWERS".Tried to Self Diagnose by Cutting various Foods out of my Diet & have learnt
some good things along the way.
The first thing I would say is you should Consider getting a Allergy test done first as many Skin complaints
are a Reaction to a Allergy you may not be aware you have.Anyhow it's a good thing to know because a Allergy
Reaction on top of Psoriasis is not a good thing at all dealing with the two.
So some Discoveries I have found have helped me Immensely some things we all know already but when its comes to
Psoriasis they are very Important.
"STRESS" I would put right at the Top of the list first as Psoriasis is a STRESS on the Body & your Skin Reacting to
that STRESS.Consider looking at what "STRESSERS" you out the most & doing something that may help with that.
Take more time out if need be for yourself & be kind to yourself.
Do things more that you Enjoy & I Don't mean more "DRUGS" or "ALCOHOL" sounds simple but so true.
I have found myself when Drinking "ALCOHOL" as I like a Drop or two the next thing I know my Psoriasis Inflames even
more badly.Our Bodies are often trying to tell us things I have learnt now to listen more.
"DIET" as we all know is most Important-we are what we eat they say.Now I'm not going to make a list of Dos & Don'ts
we all know that to many Fats and What-nots along with over Indlging just isn't good for us.More Food that is good
for ourselves is all I will say again sounds simple but so true.
Now I want to Share something that has helped myself Immensely I believe.After Searching the net for some time
looking for some "ANSWERS" & things that may help with Psorisias.I came across people talking about the Spice
"TURMERIC" & we all know "GARLIC" & how its working for alot of them.I Decided hey give it a go & I must say
after only a Week on the two together what a Difference Psoriasis almost gone Completely.Now I'm not going to say
it's going to work for you but it has for myself & many others."TURMERIC" Just like "GARLIC" has been used so
much in History to help with many Ailments do your own Research see what you find."TURMERIC" is now been looked at
more closely by Science.Some tests show help with Cells in the Body.Now I don't think you should Overdose on the
Stuff it may not be for you - Myself I used about a Teaspoon of Powdered "TURMERIC" a day on & with my Food along
with around 5 or 6 "GARLIC" Cloves a Day.I must add I also was taking a good Fish Oil 2 tablets a Day at the same
time.I do Hope this Helps some of you out there with your Psoriasis,Remember never give up hope & keep trying.