Redness and scaling on neck

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by clingerje on Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:02 am

Redness and scaling on neck

I have a on itchy red scaly patch on my neck. It keeps getting bigger.I'm presently using Cutemol and Dovenex ,neither of which seems to help. Any suggestions?

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:33 pm

by GodsHerbs on Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:34 pm

Re: Redness and scaling on neck

do not listen to any doctor that tells you to use creams or steroid cream to treat your eczem, as that will make your body more acidic and your prone to get more flare ups. eczema is not a disease all it is, is you have a backed up lymthatic system in your body (thats is controlled by your adrenal glands, which control your kidneys) your adrenal glands are not flushing the waste out of your body properly so it is coming out of your skin. you will have to juice fast on a high fruit diet. fruit is the perfect detox food ( dont listen to people who tell you it has to much sugar in it, because fructose sugar is not the same as refined sugar). do not eat meat or dairy products as it will make your body more acidic or even cooked food for about 3 months, and i promise if you follow this advice and dont quit, i promise you it will go. for some it might take longer, it all depends on how acidic your body is. watch this Amazing natural healing doctor called Robert Morse nd.

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