Psoriasis treatment
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:05 am
Hi, I am new to the site, but felt it important to let people know about my treatment. I started noticing signs of Psoriasis when my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was seen by a dermatologist at my local hospital and had the condition confirmed. The condition worsened by the time my brother sadly passed away early last year. I was a level 3.5...4 being the most servere. I had the condition on my arms, wrists, hands, breasts, stomach, back, head and covering most of my legs, infact the only place that it hadn't travelled to was my face. I was given 8 weeks of light therapy and given steriod creams which helped calm the condition down, but it didn't erase it. Within a couple of months it had come back and was maybe even worse than before. I was so depressed and found normal everyday life a challenge. I was offered other creams and was given leaflets on a couple of different drugs to consider to help with the condition. Reading through the side affects made me think that the side affects of such drugs could lead to different problems. I was at my wits end. After 18 months of steriod use, I realised that it seemed to clear a patch but had spread somewhere else. It was an endless task and one day took the brave decision to stop all treatment and give my body a chance to clear of any drug or harmful chemical......I knew I couldn't just leave my skin in this condition, so I made a lotion of 1 part Olive oil, 2 parts raw coconut oil, which I melted gently in a saucepan over a low heat and then added 12 drops of Lavender oil and 12 drops of tea tree oil....My thinking was....Olive oil and Coconut oil are great moisturisors....Lavender has a calming affect on the skin and Tea tree is an antiseptic.....After two months of applying this twice a day, my condition has improved grately...I have small plaques over my body and believe I have gone from a 3.5 to a 1.5 on the Psoriasis scale...(excuse the pun)...I must also mention that I make sure I drink plenty of water. The lotion is kept in a small kilner jar and solidifies when cold, which feels so lovely when I put it onto my skin when my skin felt tight and itchy. I know there are many alternative therapies for this condition and it may not be the right one for everyone, but it has helped me so much....I am now looking forward to the summer without wrapping myself up, head to toe in clothing. Maybe it could work for you too. For the price of a few bottles of wine, I am heading for pretty much clear and healthy skin....I hope you find this useful