Are you sure it is not infectious?

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by Konfomty on Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:26 pm

Are you sure it is not infectious?

My eczema (seborrheic dermatitis) appeared when I was a teen. Our contacts were relatively close (she was my mother's friend). In a few years I had found out that my neighbor had the same disease (seborrheic dermatitis as well).
Now I see that something's going on with my wife's skin. Her skin is itchy on her head, and next to the ear there is a sore that looks like mine.
They say it's not infectious (at least most of eczema types as far as I know), but they still don't know for sure what causes it. Thus, what if they are wrong about transmission? I just don't want my 8 y.o. daughter to get this stuff on her skin.

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Marcie Mom
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by Marcie Mom on Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:40 am

Re: Are you sure it is not infectious?

Hi there.. maybe it's worth getting a second opinion on the rash? In the meantime, not sharing towels as a precaution? Could also be allergy/ rash to the same chemicals? Hope it'd all work out, take care!
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