Tamoxifen & CFS/ME

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by leiper11 on Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:10 pm

Tamoxifen & CFS/ME

Hi. I have a few questions for you, but first some background info. I'm 46 and I've been on Tamoxifen for 3 years following breast cancer; I've had ME/CFS for 15 years and when the CFS/ME is bad, so too are my periods. Being on Tamoxifen has reduced the impact periods have on CFS/ME. Over the past 6 months my periods have reduced in heaviness and length, now lasting around one day only and they are no longer so regular. I had what I think is an ME/CFS crash in January, but there are some new symptoms around, namely a fluctuating temperature (hot flashes?) and a sleeplessness I have never experienced before (I have been on Zopiclone for 5 weeks).

Q1: could these new symptoms (sleeplessness - I can't even doze off during the day and hot flashes) be related to the menopause rather than/as well as CFS/ME?

Q2: as I am on Tamoxifen (I'm thinking about how it affects oestrogen), will the blood test to find out if I am menopausal work?

Q3: for around 6 months I have had a tender area on my spine and the bones near my elbows - could this be related to the menopause, or Tamoxifen?


Heather Currie
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:51 pm

by Heather Currie on Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:34 am

Re: Tamoxifen & CFS/ME

The sleep disturbance and hot flashes could well be due to early stages of menopause, but also Tamoxifen can cause hot flushes. A blood test at this stage is unlikely to be helpful in measuring hormone levels since they fluctuate significantly.
These symptoms, as well as the tender area, should be discussed with your doctor.
Best wishes
Dr Heather Currie
MD Menopause Matters Ltd www.menopausematters.co.uk
Chair Elect British Menopause Society www.thebms.org.uk

2 posts