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Can chlamydia cause heavy periods?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:59 pm
by susie
I’m 17 years old and have recently started sleeping with my boyfriend. He’s the first person I’ve slept with but I’m the second woman he’s slept with. Since we started sleeping together, about 6 months now, my periods are getting heavier. Is this just a coincidence or could there be another reason. I was talking to a friend about it and she said I should be tested for Chlamydia. Can Chlamydia cause heavy periods? Should I get tested for this? Thank you.

Re: Can chlamydia cause heavy periods?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:00 pm
by Dr Helen Webberley
Hi there, this is an easy question for me to answer - if anyone has any tiny weenie concern that they may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection then they should have a test.

These are really easy to do with your own doctor, or at a family planning clinic or a GUM clinic. Lots of people even do them on home testing kits these days. And the great news is that you can test for Chlamydia on a urine sample, so it's really easy.

Chlamydia that is left untreated can do terrible damage. Treating Chlamydia is really easy - just one antibiotic.

So yes, get tested - and tell all your friends to as well :-)