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I seem to make her worse!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:16 pm
by jimlufc
Hi there. I'm new here and looking for some advice. My girlfriend has eczema and it seems to flair up really badly after we have had skin on skin contact, and also foreplay before sex. I have tried different shower gels and soaps but it always seems to happen. She never had a problem with any previous partners. She is on different steroid creams for her skin and it seems to work until we have foreplay. Is there any types of creams, soaps or shower gels I can try to see if it may help. It's starting to effect our relationship as we both get too scared to make physical contact.

Thanks and I really hope someone can help.

Re: I seem to make her worse!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:32 am
by jimlufc
Could stubble have anything to do with it......or perhaps if her skin is really sensitive that day would me touching it and also kissing it make it worse?

Any help or advice would be brilliant.


Re: I seem to make her worse!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:32 pm
by jimlufc
Any ideas? Could she get some sort of skin allergy test to see if something in my saliva is making her react this way?

Re: I seem to make her worse!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:12 pm
by loumunn
hi there ,

My daughter flares up when she gets to hot - you could maybe put a fan on ! ok not romantic i know - maybe a cool room ? its so frustrating like - hioe yous find something that helps

Ezcema sufferes Mam

Re: I seem to make her worse!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:22 am
by LMWhip13
Hi there - maybe you could:
- use the same cleanser/soap she does
- perhaps avoid using aftershave, cologne or spray on scent
- be careful how widely you spray your deodorant
- keep her skin as cool as poss with a fan in the room if it's summer
- be careful with any laundry detergent you use for your clothes
- be careful with anything else you might put on your skin like moisturizers, chapsticks, sunblock etc
- avoid any food she might be allergic too so it doesn't get on your lips
and no, stubble doesn't help..

Re: I seem to make her worse!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:52 pm
by anyaaaaa
Hi I have the same problem with my boyfriend but all I can suggest is and I know it is hard for you too but use her deodorant, use her shower gels, and only things she knows don't causee a flare up
I don't think it is possible to be allergic to a specific person so it must be something you are using. Hair gels hair spray anything can cause a flare up for me especially Lynx or other body speays and deodrents.

Also possibly bedding. Are you only intermatre at your house try switching to the fabric conditioners and powders she uses at home or even dust mites... If it is the bed not you try getting protective covers for mattresses and replacing duvets and pillows

Hope this helps

Re: I seem to make her worse!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:53 pm
by sammieblue
Hi! I came across this company called Trukid and they have all kinds of eczema friendly body care. I would give that a try because if you are using products to soothe eczema maybe your partner will not react as much! They have a wonderful eczema cream which is all natural and steroid free! (THE WHOLE COMPANY IS ALL NATURAL~AWESOME!) They also have shampoo, body wash and conditioner which is very easy on the skin and could help your situation! Definitely try it out!
Sammie Blue