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Lichen Plannus

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:02 pm
by Rob
In September last year I was told that I had Lichen Plannus and had a biopsy on my tongue and cheek. The biopsy proved benign but I was told that the condition could not be cured as it was symptomatic. As I have Prostate Cancer, Gleason 3+4, I wondered if this could be the reason?

Re: Lichen Plannus

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:54 pm
by Mr Benjamin Challacombe
Lichen Planus is an inflammatory condition whose exact mechanism of action is unknown.
It commonly affects the mouth and other moist surfaces in the body but can sometimes affect the foreskin
There is no connection to prostate cancer that i am aware of.
Prostate cancer is a much more common disease whose risk factors include race, family history and diet but most are sporadic i.e. just occur due to faulty cells.