Eczema makes me so sad

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by YasmineXx on Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:52 pm

Eczema makes me so sad

Heey , Im yasmine
sorry if my english is not that great ..
Ive got eczema from when I was a baby.
When I was 12-13 it was a little better.
Then it was so bad again :(
In the summer when its to hot my eczema is terible
And now Like becouse its winter and cold there is eczema in my face, and like around my eyes,
It hurts so badly, now its a bit better becouse I use good creme.
And drink a lot of water, and I only can shower becouse when I take 1 time a bad my skin hurts so much becouse its to dry, even with creme
its hard to put on creme becouse it in my nek and Ive got long hair..
and then there is creme in my hair..
Ive got a lot of scars becouse of my eczema and my face skin is not that great,
I do not have the perfect face and its kinda makes me sad becouse everytime I look in the mirror
I see the eczema or scars or in dutch 'schilfers'.
Everybody looks so perfect with there perfect skin :(
It just makes me so sad I just wanna look pretty :c

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Marcie Mom
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by Marcie Mom on Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:40 am

Re: Eczema makes me so sad

Sorry to hear of your eczema Yasmine; are you sensitive to the products you use? May be worth getting a patch test to find out... also actively reducing staph bacteria on the skin, which colonizes eczema skin.
Consider wet wrap too, especially as winter reduces moisture from skin.

Take care,
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talkhealth moderation team

Mei - Founder of and Mom to Marcie
Visit Mei on her talkhealth blog all about eczema

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by YasmineXx on Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:57 pm

Re: Eczema makes me so sad

Wel I did a lot of test And they could not find anything , the stuff I Use us verry good for me but sometimes when my arme are verry bad or my shoulders , I have to use Cortisone what is verry bad , but its just the only thing that helps
I try to drink a lot of water And eat normal food , becouse when I eat chips or candy or drink soda its teribble.
Its just hope the winter is Soon over , its verry bad for my convidince , what I dont have ..
Thank You for Reading my story

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