severe allergic reation to dustmites/???

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by ItchyGal on Fri Nov 13, 2015 2:33 am

Re: severe allergic reation to dustmites/???

Yep. Severe dust mite allergy over here!

My immunotherapist recommends:
Getting rid of all carpet. Check.
Wet dusting once a week. Check.
Putting a dust mite resistant cover on bed pillows and mattress. Check.
Using a HEPA air filter. Check.
Vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum cleaner once a week. Not checked. Just using normal vacuum.
Reducing 'fluff' by getting rid of fluffy cushions, rugs and blankets etc. Check.
Wash bedding once a week in hot water. Check.

And with all of the above done, is my eczema any better? A little :)

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by Laureline on Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:08 pm

Re: severe allergic reation to dustmites/???

My son has an allergy to dust mites. I fought for a blood test to confirm this as I was adamant that his eczema was caused by an allergy and was proved correct.
He went from being a very upset little boy who looked like he had been scrubbed all over with a happy go lucky chap with very much clearer skin.

I damp dust once a week. I have an Allergy UK approved vacum cleaner. I vacum his mattress regularly (still trying to get hold of the mattress protector that zips up the entire mattress). His bedding is washed at high temperature and tumble dried as well.

I also do my best to limit his exposure to parabens. Great since more mainstream cosmetics are removing them from products - you will notice more and more shampoos and shower gels for example are displaying 0% parabens! But this isn't the same for food or make up. So as far as sanely possible I keep his meals to real food, not pre-packed, highly processed stuff. Its not always managable and he also needs to learn what his triggers are but the difference in his skin when these things are done on top of any household stuff is amazing.

He uses ZERO creams. Every now and again he will use the childs farm cream. But the above keeps his skin from itching and the wee man very happy.

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