Fish Intolerance??

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by anj100 on Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:21 pm

Fish Intolerance??

Hi, I'm new to this website/forum, but would love some advise.

I already have a daughter with many allergies/intolerances, she also has Eosinophic Disease. My son (11 months) seems okay, apart from a dairy intolerance. From birth he had really terrible eczema on his face, but after weaning him it seemed to disappear. I have noticed though, after eating white fish, it comes back. I gave him fish yesterday and tolday, and the eczema is slowing getting worse again. I also noticed this a few weeks back too.

Can white fish cause eczema - or is this an intolerance to fish. I know fish is high on the list of allergies, fortunately my daughter can eat white fish, but not salmon/prawns etc. I hope this isn't the start of his intolerances/allergies coming out!!

Does anyone else know of a connection between fish and eczema?