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Specific area acne

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:09 pm
by Roxichik
I am 46 and never had acne in my life, until now.
Acne suddenly appeared in my arm pits.
I've stopped wearing/using any products for the moment except a ph balance cream by Sebamed which I use all the time. But I can't do this for very long as I need deodorant and to get rid of the underarm hair.
Is there any reason this has happened or is it just one of those things?
I also have secondary Sjogren's Syndrome.

Re: Specific area acne

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:30 pm
by Dr Dev Shah
Dear Roxichik,

Thank you for your post.

I am sorry to hear that your are having problems with your skin.

It sounds as though the 'acne' that you are having in your armpits may need more aggressive treatment.

When acne develops in the armpits and sometimes the groin the condition may be related follicular occlusion or hidradenitis. This means that your hair follicles are getting blocked and then becoming infected.

I would not shave the area but you can trim the hair so that it is short, avoid waxing and if you want to have no hair then the best way forward is laser hair removal, though it is the most expensive as well.

If this does not help then you may need a 3 month course of antibiotics from your GP, and if no help then ask to see a specialist so that more aggressive treatment can be used to prevent the disease from scarring.

I would recommend that you use dermol lotion as a moisturiser and hibiscrub as a shower gel until you get a firm diagnosis from a doctor.

Please do let us know how you get on

best wishes

Dev Shah
Consultant Dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon

Re: Specific area acne

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:45 am
by Roxichik
Good Morning,
Thank you for the in depth reply Dr Shah.
I will follow what you say and see what happens.
Hopefully they will clear up very soon.