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Blisters and broken skin - what's causing this?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:46 am
by Guest Posts
On behalf of our guest visitor, Anna:
I've got a condition on my right foot that is like tiny little pussy, bloody blisters, but at the same time there's loads of redness, burning and broken skin. I've been told it's eczema or psoriasis? It was originally (5yrs ago) on left foot. And in 2013 I was told I have spinal degeneration and for the last 18 months I've had DVT, a blockage rear knee and clot forming in upper thigh. Due to previous history with blood clots I've been put on a fairly new tablet I'm to stay on forever to stop clots forming. All the DVT etc is also in my right leg. Nothing seems to work to clear my foot up either?

Re: Blisters and broken skin - what's causing this?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:07 pm
by wendygreen

The condition you describe on your right foot sounds like dyshydrotic dermatitis - also known as pompholyx; this causes many of the symptoms you describe - intense itching and burning, followed by tiny blisters which can ooze and become infected if burst.

Although you say you have also had problems with DVT in your right leg for the past year and a half, your skin condition was evident on your left foot about three and a half years earlier, so I'm not sure that the two are linked.

The usual treatment for dyshydrotic dermatitis is hydrocortisone cream and antibiotics if the skin is infected - if you've tried these to no avail I suggest you revisit your GP and ask to be referred to a dermatologist, who should be able to diagnose and treat the problem.

Good luck!
