What a nightmare!

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by alison12 on Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:14 am

Re: What a nightmare!

Hi Helen - I am sorry to read your post and I am sure that you not only have my plus everyone that reads this sympathy - how horrible for you :( . I am absolutely no expert, but would advise you go to see your GP as soon as possible and be asked to be referred to an expert. You can't possible carry on worrying that this might happen again. I imagine you need to look into all possibilities that they may offer from surgery to diet etc - and it may be worth being prepared and taking a full list of what you normally eat and also see if there is a trigger pattern with your accidents etc. I am sure that once you see someone you will feel that you start to feel better as having a plan and strategy in place for any condition is half the battle. Hope all goes well :)
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