Issues I am finding with pull up protection

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by sjpersonal on Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:31 am

Issues I am finding with pull up protection

Not too sure how to explain but why does the padding bunch up unevenly around the rear as its really u comfortable when uneven when you sit feels like it's the material inside the molicare mobile (pull up). I have had simular issues in the past with Tena Pants and Depend pull ups also in the hotter weather I get a lot of chaffing, and I also like I snug fit.

My issue apparently comes from the nerve issues in the L5 impingement and not caused by the bladder I have been told but experience leakage and the bladder having a mind of its own.

I have anxiety issues in general so mentioning this to my support network G.P, Mental Health Nurse, Psychologist (even tho bladder issues are in my file says Destrusor Instability and Urgency) is just impossible for me and not under urologist as tests show its not from the bladder but back also seen Neurosurgeon and nothing he can do for me either and surgery on my back is completely ruled out by specialists years ago too risky for so little or no positive return.

I have also rang up places that have continence nurse but calls never get returned and my anxiety disorders make it nearly impossible to follow up as was nearly impossible to ring in the 1st place.
Not sure what to do also I live in Australia and a 30 year old male having this issue for a few years now cant seem to find something comfortable.

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by advhccenter on Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:02 pm

Re: Issues I am finding with pull up protection

On the off chance that you can't do pull-ups, one of these five reasons might be the reason: Not having the option to clutch the bar through absence of hold strength. An absence of latissimus dorsi (enormous back muscle), spinal erector (lower back stabilizer muscles), abs, and biceps strength. An absence of "mind-to-muscle" association.

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