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Long-Term Indwelling Urinary Catheter User Survey

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:32 am
by katherinebelfield
Hello Everyone,

At the University of Nottingham we are researching ways of preventing infection for people who use indwelling urinary catheters. We have made a urinary catheter for long-term use that has drugs that kill bacteria in the catheter material. We would be grateful for indwelling catheter users to share their experiences of infection with us to support the research and its priorities.

If you have five minutes we would be grateful for you to share your experiences via an anonymous online survey here: ... ser-survey. TalkHealth will receive the results (no personal identifiable information will be available or shared) and may share the results when they surveying ends. Thank you for your help and support!

Best wishes,
Dr Katherine Belfield
School of Medicine
University of Nottingham