Bowels after Gall Bladder

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by on Mon Aug 22, 2022 4:13 pm

Bowels after Gall Bladder

I had my Gall Bladder out back July 2015 I have irregular bowel movements since.. I have no discomfort or anything like that. I have always been regular with occasional constipation however now I go what seems like a lot more. Its more on the side of diarrhea most of the time. Not very often is it solid. After my surgery I never had any issues with certain foods.. So I do enjoy some animal fat on my steaks and pork.. but overall I am a pretty clean eater. I like to make my own food as much as possible to avoid consuming processed foods... nothing has gone to irritate me since the surgery. I did read that something like this is possible after surgery for a prolonged period of time. But its rare. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing .. my DW wants me to get a coloscopy due to this . I will be 45 middle of Sept

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by advhccenter on Wed Oct 25, 2023 7:06 am

Re: Bowels after Gall Bladder

Essentially, the overabundance bile and bile acids go about as a purgative. Generally speaking, this post-careful the runs will determine in the long stretches of time following nerve bladder medical procedure. Temporarily, hostile to diarrheal prescriptions, for example, Imodium A-D might be utilized to return defecations to normal

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