Bowel digestive problems

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by HectorOlster on Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:17 pm

Bowel digestive problems

Hello, I am new on the TalkHealth forums and first of all would like to wish good day for all members of the community. This thread was opened, because now I have problems with my bowel and its digestive function.

Sure, the main cause is hiding in my love of unhealthy food: fast foods, a lot of preservatives and canned meat. I don't like to cook and that's why I consume a lot of similar food. Of course, it is not good for health and now I see already the consequences. But how can I improve my digestive function? Undoubtedly, I already changed my alimentation, but the problem did not disappear. I tried also use probiotics like OptiBac.

It made my suffering a little easier, but I can't consume probiotics all my life. When I stop consuming of probiotics, it starts again. Can you help me?
Last edited by HectorOlster on Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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by talkhealth on Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:02 pm

Re: Bowel digestive problems

Hello HectorOlster

thank you for posting in our forum and sorry to hear you are having problems. Have you spoken to your doctor about the issues you are experiencing? Your doctor should be able to help you and perhaps talk to you about diet and other possible treatments.

Please let us know how you get on.
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Lilly Singhania
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by Lilly Singhania on Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:09 am

Re: Bowel digestive problems

Saunf or fennel seeds have a very rich nutritional profile and are widely used for their medicinal and health benefits. It's used to cure and prevent a number of digestive ailments like flatulence, bloating, stomach cramps, regulates blood sugar, helps in weight loss, stabilize hormones and also cure serious health problems like cancer. Let’s look at some of the benefits of fennel seeds:

1. Purifies the blood

The presence of vitamins, fibre, minerals and essential oils in fennel seeds helps to detoxify the body. It works to get rid of toxins from your body which in turn purifies the blood. They also aid your body in storing less fat and more essential nutrients from the food you take in.

2. Helps clear sinus and congested nasal passages

Fennel seeds are rich in phytonutrients that aid in clearing out clogged nasal passages. It has expectorant properties, which when served in the form of tea, can treat bronchitis, asthma and cough.

3. Reduces the symptoms of bloating

It is a natural diuretic and flushes out toxins from the entire body. Though it increases the number of times you go to the washroom to relieve yourself, in turn, it reduces bloating or any kind of water retention in the body.

4. Improves digestion

Fennel seeds also contain fenchone, estragole and anethole oils which help in increasing the metabolism, improving digestion and reducing constipation and bloating.

There are so many other health problems which can be settled by the intake of fennel seeds.

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by DorothyC on Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:23 pm

Re: Bowel digestive problems

How can I get over bad bowl cramps when taking paracetamol for a while? I only used to get problems with codiene but now it seems I get it with paracetamol.

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by HBarnshawNutritionalHealing on Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:30 pm

Re: Bowel digestive problems

Hi Dorothy,

I'm new to TalkHealth.
What Lilly Singhania has written is very helpful. There are so many herbs and tinctures out there that will help to reduce your symptoms straight away if you will dedicate your actions consistently and with high intention.

As well as starting out on some of the herbs Lilly has suggested, try using them in the form of a hot tea tonic. This increases the absorption ability of the nutrients within the herbs. It is also a very effective way to cleanse from build up of toxins & man-made medications (which can sometimes build up in the Liver and cause other symptoms).

Dandelion Tea is one of the most Powerful herbs out there at the moment, for reducing symptoms of pain in the gut and across the whole body. it does this by effectively cleansing the digestive system, deeper cleanses the Liver & Kidneys which reduces toxins and prostaglandins in the blood. These are the pre-cursors of the pain and inflammation response. Additionally, it offers a helpful nutrient make-up for healing other parts of the body; Vitamin A, C, E, K, Folate.

Let me know if you have any questions :)

HBarnshaw Nutritional Healing

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by arvbuttar on Tue Jul 16, 2019 6:43 pm

Re: Bowel digestive problems

Lilly Singhania wrote:Saunf or fennel seeds have a very rich nutritional profile and are widely used for their medicinal and health benefits. It's used to cure and prevent a number of digestive ailments like flatulence, bloating, stomach cramps, regulates blood sugar, helps in weight loss, stabilize hormones and also cure serious health problems like cancer. Let’s look at some of the benefits of fennel seeds:

1. Purifies the blood

The presence of vitamins, fibre, minerals and essential oils in fennel seeds helps to detoxify the body. It works to get rid of toxins from your body which in turn purifies the blood. They also aid your body in storing less fat and more essential nutrients from the food you take in.

2. Helps clear sinus and congested nasal passages

Fennel seeds are rich in phytonutrients that aid in clearing out clogged nasal passages. It has expectorant properties, which when served in the form of tea, can treat bronchitis, asthma and cough.

3. Reduces the symptoms of bloating

It is a natural diuretic and flushes out toxins from the entire body. Though it increases the number of times you go to the washroom to relieve yourself, in turn, it reduces bloating or any kind of water retention in the body.

4. Improves digestion

Fennel seeds also contain fenchone, estragole and anethole oils which help in increasing the metabolism, improving digestion and reducing constipation and bloating.

There are so many other health problems which can be settled by the intake of fennel seeds.
Great explanation. Really very helpful.

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by Prycejosh1987 on Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:20 pm

Re: Bowel digestive problems

It seems you already know what to do. Eat more healthy. Perhaps you can eat these foods less, and try soups, or alternatives. Perhaps you could try fresh versions of the foods you already eat.

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by advhccenter on Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:53 am

Re: Bowel digestive problems

Here is a stomach accommodating eating routine to hold back nothing.
  • Top off on fiber to forestall obstruction. ...
    Drink a lot of liquids to help processing. ...
    Eliminate fat for a solid stomach. ...
    Ease off of zest to keep away from belly inconveniences. ...
    Be careful stomach side effect triggers. ...
    Pick the right beverages to ease assimilation. ...

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