British Skin Foundation
A-Z of skin conditions
Moderator: talkhealth
A-Z of skin conditions
The British Skin Foundation has an A-Z of skin conditions here http://www.britishskinfoundation.org.uk ... sease.aspx
Find out basic information on common skin conditions like acne or eczema, to rarer conditions like ichthyosis or extra-mammary Paget's disease.
The A-Z includes images of most conditions with links to the British Association of Dermatologists website for more information on treatments.
Find out basic information on common skin conditions like acne or eczema, to rarer conditions like ichthyosis or extra-mammary Paget's disease.
The A-Z includes images of most conditions with links to the British Association of Dermatologists website for more information on treatments.
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Lisa - British Skin Foundation
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