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by ActionAgainstAllergy on Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:15 pm


The spring edition of Allergy Newsletter is now out. This informative and helpful 48 page journal, which comes out three times a year, is available online to members of Action Against Allergy.
In this issue: An introduction to the new food brands on the market which are totally free of the ‘top 14’ food allergens, plus the recipes of four ‘top 14’-free family dishes for you to try. Are you troubled by air pollution, both outdoor and at home. Is enough being done? Hear expert comment on NICE proposals to combat outdoor pollution and helpful suggestions for reducing the hazards at home and while out and about. These and other varied features help you improve your quality of life.

To secure your password to access Allergy Newsletter you can subscribe online by going to http://www.actionagainstallergy.org or by calling Action Against Allergy on 020 8892 4949. Annual sub is £20.
Action Against Allergy team - [url]www.actionagainstallergy.org[/url]