Reaction to Hair Styling Mousse

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by Bettyboo1 on Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:31 pm

Reaction to Hair Styling Mousse

Jut coming round from a horrendous allergic reaction I think to a hair mousse product - V05 Perfect lengths Bodyfying styling mousse. Never used this product before until Monday night and started itching Tuesday am, didn't think much more about it then used it again Thursday am and by Thursday night my skin was bright red incredibly itchy and unbearably sore. I sought medical attention on Friday at a walk in centre because my GP couldn't fit me in but by this time I felt not only itchy and uncomfortable but exhausted and faint. The nurse said it was a severe allergic reaction and basically said there wasn't much they could do except take antihistimine and paracetamol and rest as the histemine and adrenalin levels in my body were fighting off an attack which was causing my exhaustion. I have been racking my brains to work out what has been causing this horrendous head to foot skin reaction and it must be this mousse which I have never used before until this week. I also suffer from asthma and have been feeling chesty and hoarse - thankfully I have not collapsed with anaphalaxis or had a really scary experience but this has been bad enough. I just hope to God that this is the cause of the reaction and that my body will recover in the next few days.
Angie Worley, Leeds

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by AnnaB on Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:30 pm

Re: Reaction to hair styling mousse

I hope you are soon feeling better. You must follow this up with your GP as you only think it was this mousse, although it does sound likely. They can carry out skin patch tests, my second child is having them next week. They test for all general ingredients in products and can add a direct sample of a specific product if you think it the issue. Myself and my son have had this caried out. Plus if you had such a bad reaction you need to have medication to hand should this ever happen again. Good luck.
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