Sun allergy

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by Capetonian on Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:17 pm

Sun allergy


I was 1st diagnosed with sun allergy at the age of 26 but did not take the Dr. seriously ( unfortunately ).
At 46, I went through a stressful period & for the 1st time had eczema, which was confirmed by a dermatologist, who then also informed me that I was allergic to the UV A & B rays. I now use a SPF 50 daily, both indoors & out, yet I continuously itch & sometimes have tiny water blisters, which I have had for as long as I can remember. Histamines don't seem to help much. Is there anything else I can try besides the Aqueous based creams Dr's give me, which also make no difference. Advice would be so great, as I often feel like peeling my skin off, due to the intense itching.
