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Feelings of tiredness and loss of physical feeling

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 12:42 am
by benjamin1990
Since going through the menopause 2 years ago, I find a tire more easily and no longer have any real physical desire to touch my husband in any form. Is this all related to the menopause?

Re: Feelings of tiredness and loss of physical feeling

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:35 pm
by Mr. Hugh Byrne, MRCOG
Yes, in short, it is. A treatment for you might be tibolone 2.5mg daily.

Re: Feelings of tiredness and loss of physical feeling

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:48 pm
by Mr Jonathan Broome

I agree the drop in hormones after your menopause is likely to be the cause. It may be the lack of oestrogen but it might also be a lack of testosterone causing your reduced libido. (Women produce testosterone from the ovaries which also stops at the time of the menopause) Tibolone has more testosterone activity than other HRT's, the other option is to try a testosterone implant or testosterone gel (with or without oestrogen) your GP should be able to advise or refer to a menopause clinic.


Re: Feelings of tiredness and loss of physical feeling

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:03 pm
by Dr Heather Currie
I agree that tibolone may be helpful, but also any HRT would be worth considering.
Separate testosterone in unlicensed form of gel would usually only be considered if HRT is unhelpful and testosterone implants are no longer generally available. Generally testosterone would not be used without HRT because of the possibility of side effects.
Heather Currie