Survey results for

July/September: Skin Conditions Survey

To coincide with our Online Clinic on Skin Conditions, we wanted to find out more about the support our members were currently receiving to help them manage their skin conditions, and how we can assist them further in our latest survey.

Here are our top highlights from the survey:

  • 79.4% had been to see a GP about their condition
  • 91% were happy with the information they received from their GP or a trusted source about how to look after your skin condition during a flare up
  • The internet was voted the most popular ‘helpful’ source of information for people with skin conditions, with charities being voted the least helpful

If you would like more support with your skin condition, here are some helpful links:

mydryskin support programme
mypsoriasis support programme
myrosacea support programme
myeczemachild support programme
talkacne hub
talkpsoriasis hub
talkrosacea hub
talkeczema hub
talkeczema forum
talkacne forum
talkpsoriasis forum
talkrosacea forum

If you're interested in a detailed analysis of the results for these surveys please contact us.