Tight chest

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by Guest Posts on Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:32 am

Tight chest

Hi, I am currently going through the menopause so don't know if this is related or not but when I wake up either in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, my blood feels like it is rushing around my body, and my chest suddenly feels tight for 30 seconds – it’s a very strange feeling and then it stops – what might this be? (Fiona)
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Dr Sarah Gilchrist
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:12 pm
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by Dr Sarah Gilchrist on Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:55 am

Re: Tight chest

Hi Fiona

I'm sorry you are experiencing these symptoms on waking in the night or the morning. I would suggest its probably due to blood pressure changes as you wake from your sleep bout. However these symptoms shouldn't be ignored and I would suggest you seek medical advice in the first instance.
Dr Sarah Gilchrist
Specialist in sleep and athletic performance

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