talkhealth forums
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Our forums are one of talkhealth's crowning jewels. They're a place to meet people in the same boat as you, to discuss your health concerns, experiences and opinions - and crucially - to find support.
We've got a wide range of people contributing to the discussions daily, from our talkhealth members to our medical experts and our bloggers.
Our team of moderators takes great care to promote a friendly and trustworthy environment. They're on the forums every day to make sure that it continues to be a safe space for all.
talkhealth forums
talkmenshealth forum
Our men's health forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding men's problems.
British Skin Foundation
Welcome to the British Skin Foundation Forum. Founded in 1996 the charity is committed to funding research into skin disease. The British Skin Foundation forum gives you the opportunity to discuss and share your skin related issues and the opportunity to support others living with similar conditions.
Health & Research Discussion
Not sure where your topic or question should be posted? This forum is for you to talk about any health related topics or share any health concerns that are not covered in our other forums and stay up to date with our latest research discussion and survey results.
talkacne forum
Our acne forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding acne.
talkallergy forum
Our allergy forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding life with allergies.
talkarthritis & joint pain
Our arthritis & joint pain forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical, logistical and emotional issues of living with arthritis + joint pain.
talkbladder forum
Our bladder forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding bladder problems.
talkbowel forum
Our bowel forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding bowel problems.
talkeczema forum
Our eczema forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding eczema.
talkIBS forum
Our IBS forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding irritable bowel syndrome.
talkmentalhealth forum
Our forums cover all aspects of mental health and provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding mental health issues.
talkpain forum
Our pain forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues of day to day life surrounding chronic pain.
talkpsoriasis forum
Our psoriasis forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding psoriasis, and psoriatic arthropathy.
talkrespiratory forum
Our respiratory forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding respiratory conditions including asthma, IPF and COPD.
talkrosacea forum
Our rosacea forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues of living with rosacea.
talkscars & wound care
Our scars & wound care forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues of living with scars and wounds.
talkweight forum
Our weight forums are the place to talk to and support others regarding all aspects of weight including being overweight or obese, being underweight, eating disorders etc.
talkwomenshealth forum
Our women's health forums provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues women face.
Support Programmes
Looking for that little bit of extra support with your condition? Our support programmes have been developed to help increase your confidence in managing your condition. Our support programmes run on average between 12 - 24 weeks, providing FREE dedicated support delivered weekly by email.
Learn MoreExpert clinics
Our Expert Clinics are online forums staffed by industry professionals. Our clinics feature leading medical & charity experts to help answer your concerns.
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