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Angela Xega
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:37 am

by Angela Xega on Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:00 am

Re: e-vouchers

Pls can you help to solve my case?

I am Angela Xega from Korca, Albania. (42 years)

I am writing to you since I have been recommended that the British are very well specialized in such cases. I am explaining in the few words my case. I was born with esophagus atresia an I had an intervention once born. With the time passing in the esophagus was created an diverticul and for a long time I have had problems on eating and cough.
Three years ago I was hospitolised at the Sanatorium in Tirana because a conditioned of pneumonia was created in my bronch because a part of the food I was eating passed through this esophago-tracheal fistula opened inside the diverticul and to the lung and this is created an infection, temperature and a conditioned of pneumonia.
I was treated for one month at the senatorium and the calcificated food was gone.
After one year the same thing is being repeated and after gastrofibroscopy I did with Dr. I.B, he insisted that I should had this esophago-tracheal fistula immediately operated.
I did the surgery at the hospital “Mother Theresa” in Tirana on 23 December 2011 and the surgery went well ( they did a ligature of the neck of the fistula from trachea side..)but I had a heavy condition and was under intensive care treating for almost 5 weeks because my right lung was damaged and they used antibiotics such Tavanic (500mg), targocid (500mg), aminofiline(750mg), Rifocine(Lavazh), Esalan, Predisolon ……
Now i still have some cough when I eat but more when I drink water or other liquids and some temperature goes in afternoon 37.50C.
In December 2012 I passes a flue and I had to treat to Sanatorium in Korca by for two weeks they used Avalox and cepofen serums and Pancef and Agumentina tablets but I am not feeling well enough and have all time secretions passing through esophagus and causing me all the time cough, what can I do to reduce it or eliminate the secretions….
I also did some examinations in IKEDA ( EUROMEDICA0 and they diid many examinations and also a lavage broncho alveolar, they think that the place of fistula operated is reopened and there is passing some liquids….and also passing a little food for the moment.
I had an inside intervention in Greece by using endoscope and using special clips and loops….and after it they put a temporary full stent in esophagus to block the passage of food and liquids in the diverticul and so let it drain by itself…but it didn’t work…….. Then in Greece also tried to put an OTSC special Clip but they couldn’t manage it coz the flesh was harsh to pull it inside the clip as they said. So by Greek gastroenterologists only a surgery can solve the problem but it is very risky, very long hospitalization and very expensive too…
By an Italian Gastroenterolog in Tirana in the beginning he mentioned there some new technologies by endoscope which can be done but after his consults with his collueges conclusion is that only another surgery can solve the case…)
We need a good solution (specialized doctor gastroenterolog or surgeon who cared before on such cases and knows well what to do), and affordable cost and not very high rescue of life….

( up to now there is not any malignant signs there inside…)
Angela Xega & Family

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