10 Tips to learn to meditate and enjoy the benefits of practice Follow the tips below and see that meditating is simpler

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by Nguimbola on Sun Apr 25, 2021 8:58 pm

10 Tips to learn to meditate and enjoy the benefits of practice Follow the tips below and see that meditating is simpler

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor. ” - Thich Nhat Hahn, Vietnamese monk

1 - Just start
The first tip is: just start! That's right, don't wait for your life to be calmer or have more free time, create yourself that time. If you wait, you may never be able to start, because there will always be something you will consider more important. Take a moment out of your day for yourself, to meditate and relax, as you feel the benefits, the will to continue practicing will get stronger and stronger.

2 - Make an appointment to meditate
Everything that you really want to accomplish needs to be scheduled, otherwise the “I start later” thought that we talked about in the previous tip. Therefore, you need to set a time in your day to meditate.
Think about waking up ten minutes early to practice in the morning or, perhaps, before going to sleep. If you can do it at both times, great, because you’ll be able to start and end the day with peace of mind. Put a reminder on your phone to avoid the risk of forgetting.

3 - Start meditating for 2 minutes
That's right, you didn't read it wrong, two minutes is a good time to start and get acquainted with the practice. Go on with that time for a week, then add another two minutes and go on until you get to ten minutes, which will take just over a month. Stay with this period for a while and increase it when you feel the need.

4 - Choose a quiet place and stay in a comfortable position
Choose the place in your home where you will meditate, it can be in your bed, in the living room, in the garden, wherever you prefer. The important thing is that you stay in a comfortable position and that no one interrupts you. Remember to put the phone in silent mode as well. Thus, you will have a moment of your own, of inner connection, when you can turn all your attention to yourself.

5 - Start by focusing on your breathing
Breathing is a very important part of meditation, as it is the function of our body that most connects us internally. Once you have found the best position to meditate, keep your focus on the air in and out of your nostrils, breathing deeply.
If you feel your breathing is choppy, you don't have to force it to slow down. Keep your attention focused on this vital function of the body, as it will naturally become calmer.

6 - If your mind wanders, bring it back
During meditation, especially in the beginning, it is natural for your mind to go away, so do not give up or feel that you are unable. When you realize this, just bring it back, without judgments or charges, repeating as many times as necessary. Then, start the breathing exercise again and continue.
It must also be said that it is natural for you to be frustrated by these drops in concentration. However, when that feeling arises, remember that it happens to everyone and that it is with practice that you will learn to keep your mind more and more focused.

7 - Free yourself from self-collection and search for perfection
Meditation has the main objective of promoting inner peace, so there is no point in transforming it into a reason to demand and demand from yourself a perfection that is not real. The first lesson that you can aim to learn is to free yourself from self-collection and the search for a perfection that is often unattainable. Learn to enjoy the process, connect with the present, live those minutes of meditation in essence.

8 - Observe the behavior of your mind
One of the benefits of meditative practice is self-knowledge, so take the opportunity to observe yourself, welcome the feelings that arise, even if it is anger, stress, anxiety. Observing, you will know yourself, understand why you are feeling that way, which will lead you to find positive ways to get around your emotions.

9 - Feel every part of your body
A very interesting way to focus on the meditative process is to do a kind of scan on your body. Start at the feet, directing all your attention to them. Then, slowly go up, feeling your shins, your calves and so on, until you get to the head.
This is a simple and very powerful way to connect with yourself and your body. Use when meditating and also when you want to control feelings like stress, anger, anxiety. In a few minutes, what was afflicting you will have lost power over you and you will feel much better.

10 - Experience guided meditation
A very interesting option for those who want to start the practice of meditation, but feel a little lost, are the guided meditation audios. In them, a soft voice suggests what to do, how to position yourself, how to breathe, what to focus on thinking and so on.
You can start with guided meditation to become familiar with the practice, until you feel comfortable meditating alone. There are channels on YouTube with this type of content, as well as people who live on other social networks, such as Instagram, where followers follow and meditate simultaneously, each in their home.

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by hundalmarck@gmail.com on Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:52 am

Re: 10 Tips to learn to meditate and enjoy the benefits of practice Follow the tips below and see that meditating is sim

Such great points, I will follow some of them.

Posts: 594
Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:11 pm

by MissCandyGirl on Sun Dec 25, 2022 10:00 pm

Re: 10 Tips to learn to meditate and enjoy the benefits of practice Follow the tips below and see that meditating is sim

I always fall asleep when I meditate.

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