Hand eczema and travel.

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by hainoroc on Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:02 am

Hand eczema and travel.

My daughter has hand eczema and a bit around her nose for 5 years now. The dermatologist said is atopic dermatitis even if blisters show up on her side fingers first and expends on her palms and on back of her fingers and hands, in this order.
She was tested for allergies and came up positive for many trees types that we have in the region. She does not have any typical allergy symptoms like running nose or watery eyes and everything seem to be normal.

Now, we noticed when we travel in different parts of the world, her eczema improves in matter of days, especially when we spend time in the salty water of oceans.

Did anyone experienced eczema improvement while spending time in different parts of the world?

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by talkhealth on Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:44 am

Re: Hand eczema and travel.

Hi hainoroc

Thank you for your recent post. Please have a look at our free support programme, myeczemachild, http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/psp/eczema.php which we think you will find helpful and which will answer a lot of the questions you have.

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Marcie Mom
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by Marcie Mom on Tue Oct 15, 2019 12:50 pm

Re: Hand eczema and travel.

It is actually quite common to find your eczema improving when you travel! :) It could be due to many things though - like if you're allergic to house dust mites, and you get out often when you're traveling, then your flare-up reduced. Or you are not around the kind of pollen that you're allergic to. Could be more subtle things like water or the kind of lifestyle that is different when you travel. So, maybe going for allergy test will help? Take care!
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Mei - Founder of http://www.EczemaBlues.com and Mom to Marcie
Visit Mei on her talkhealth blog all about eczema http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/blog/author/mei_m/

Joyce M McCurry
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by Joyce M McCurry on Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:43 pm

Re: Hand eczema and travel.

The skin condition of baby eczema is also known as infant eczema or infantile atopic dermatitis which results in itchy, dry and red skin that leads to cracking and bleeding. Eczema on the baby tends to affect the whole body, but the most common areas are the hands, neck, and face. It has been noticed that the babies who face the issues of eczema, tend to lose it before entering into their teenage years. With the help of a variety of baby eczema natural remedies and essential oils for baby eczema, this particular condition can be very well treated.

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by advhccenter on Thu Aug 17, 2023 4:57 am

Re: Hand eczema and travel.

The objective is to keep skin adequately saturated to abstain from setting off your dermatitis while limiting openness to perspire and possibly destructive water. Prepare for food and drink sensitivities. Assuming your dermatitis is set off by food or drink sensitivities, research the choices at your objective early

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