Exzema controls my life.. Sadly

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by Rosey on Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:32 pm

Exzema controls my life.. Sadly

My name is rosan, I'm 16 and sadly my exzema controls my life. Even while writing this I can't help but have a tear making it's way down my face. I've had exzema since birth.. Ive had it on and off for the past 16 years.. Sometimes it's so bad that I spend nights in hospital, other days Its so good that I can wear sleeveless shirts. It's such a rollercoaster that most of the time I just give up.. Most of the things in my life is because of exzema, my complete lack of sleep is due to my exzema, my problems with relationships and boys is certainly due to my exzema.. And most of all my sadness lately gettin worse is due to my exzema.

On bad days I cry just because I see girls wearing shorts.. I'm not really asking for advice but for people to just let me know they can totally relate :(

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by Vorserkeien on Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:44 pm

Re: Exzema controls my life.. Sadly

Hey Rosan,

I think you'll find a lot of people can relate. Eczema is no fun at all, & being 16 doesn't help. I know I had bad days at school from my eczema. My schoolmates all knew I had eczema & they also knew it wasn't contagious thankfully, but that didn't stop the comments, especially when you wanted people to just ignore it. Got told once it looked like someone had slashed my throat. That comment is something that has always stayed with me. But what you must must must remember is children can be very tactless...eh admittedly some adults can be too. It'll take time, & with a lot of trial and error you'll find a means to help you with your eczema. As for boys, clichéd but if they can't see past your eczema they most definately are not worth dating.

If you're struggling to sleep I would recommend DermaSilk http://www.dermasilk.co.uk/. I found it via TalkEczema & for a long time I've had a DermaSilk pillow & sheet. They are expensive (1 single fitted sheet is £60) but they are very soothing & cooling, especially nice in hot weather.

I'll PM you Rosan if you'd like to talk some more.

Take care, & know it will improve some day x

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by Massuma on Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:40 pm

Re: Exzema controls my life.. Sadly

Hi, I know EXACTLY how you feel.
I feel it too, and honestly it is so comforting to know you're not alone.
I'm 18 now, and my eczema's been severe for about 4 years now (though I had it since childhood). It got really bad a few months ago, so I decided to stop using the steroids I'd been using and cure it naturally (through diet, supplements, etc) And OH MY GOD, it got soo bad (part of the detox process). I had to postpone university this year because it's so painful and I can't go out. I spent my entire summer indoors and wouldn't even allow people to see me at home. I spent a lot of time alone because I was so sad all the time, and most times when my family tried talking to me, I ended up crying because nobody gets it. I guess they were trying to be helpful when they'd be like "Don't itch, you're making it worse," but I just wanted to punch them because I KNOW THAT, I just CANT stop myself. And when they're like "Staying home isn't making your eczema better", "Stop being antisocial", "Why are you so mad?", It would make me so angry, but I didn't even know how to explain it to them. And everyone thought I was giving them attitude because of my facial expressions. but I didn't know how to explain that it hurts to smile and move my face!
I honestly believe that you cannot truly relate to the experience of having eczema if you don't have it yourself. And it's almost impossible to make someone understand either, I've tried.
I'm feeling a LOT better now, but I still don't have much of a social life. I'm still really scared to go out because sometimes the randomest thing at some place will make me flare-up, and I don't want to risk that. And I don't like people seeing my skin like this. And going out kind of stresses me out, which in turn aggravates my eczema. I know that I can't avoid going out forever, and need to control my stress responses, but until it heals, I'm not planning to really do anything out there.
Anyway, sorry I kind of went on and on, but I know what you're going through, and I'm here if you want any help :)
Also, are you treating your eczema in any way?
I've eliminated gluten, meat, dairy, sugar, chemicals & processed foods, and corn from my diet, and it really made it better. It's not gone, but the new diet along with a ton of organic produce helps a lot.
- Massuma

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