Expert Clinic on General Skin Conditions


Join the British Skin Foundation and talkhealth for an online clinic dedicated to troublesome skin. The panel of experts can answer all of your questions. This clinic is running from the 5-27 September 2024.

 To post your questions you just need to login (if you not a member already it only takes a minute to join for free); alternatively please send us your question and we will post into the clinic for you.  

The British Skin Foundation always recommends seeking help for a skin condition or the psychological effects of skin disease from your GP or local NHS services as a first point of call.

This clinic is now open - sign in to post your questions

The clinic is an online forum, please contact us if you’re unsure how it works!

Medical Experts

Dr Anton Alexandroff

Consultant Dermatologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer & British Skin Foundation spokesperson - FRCP(UK), CCT (Dermat), PhD, FRSM, FAAD

Dr Stephanie Gallard

BSc (Hons) Pharmacy, MBCHB, Dip Prac Derm, MSc Healthcare Management

Dr Catherine O’Leary

Consultant clinical psychologist

Julie Van Onselen

Independent Dermatology Nurse - RGN, RSCN, BA(Hons)

Dr Derrick Phillips

Consultant Dermatologist

Dr Penelope Pratsou

Consultant Dermatologist, MBChB, DipGUM, FRCP(UK)


The British Skin Foundation

The British Skin Foundation is the only UK charity dedicated to raising funds for skin disease and skin cancer research. This year the British Skin Foundation turns 25 years old, giving out more than £17 million in grants to over 400+ research projects since 1996. As well as supporting research into diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and skin cancer, cases of which are unfortunately all too common; the BSF are also looking to find better treatments and eventual cures for conditions that may be less familiar such as vitiligo, ichthyosis and alopecia.