On your journey to better health, you will likely hear mixed opinions about the numbers that you need to monitor. Some specialists think that your weight is the ultimate indication of health while others focus on the number of steps that you take each day. In reality, everyone is going to have a different weight and step count that supports their overall health. No matter what your size or shape, there are few numbers that truly do matter when you are looking to achieve optimal health. In this article, we will share five important numbers to monitor during your health journey.

1. Iron Levels

When you are working out and eating healthy, your veins are pumping an increased amount of blood cells through the body in order to support the strain that you are experiencing. If you take up an activity like running, you will likely see that your iron levels begin to decrease. In addition, many processed foods are fortified with iron. Although this is not the best source of iron, it is a critical supplier of iron in the standard American diet. When you eat fewer processed foods, you need to ensure that you are intaking iron from other sources. In order to view these levels, order blood test samples that test for Ferritin and Hemoglobin.

2. Resting Heart Rate

Heart rate is an easy thing to measure, yet it is not regularly monitored by most Americans. Ideally, your heart rate will rest between 50 and 60 beats per minute dependent on your level of activity. In this scenario, your heart is pumping more blood per beat. As your levels rise, your heart begins working ineffectively. If you have fluctuating heart rates, you have a higher risk of illness and disease. Monitor your heart rate and take note if any unusual patterns emerge.

3. Blood Sugar

Although you do not have to monitor your blood sugar on a regular basis, it does need to be examined at least two times per year. At this rate, you can notice if your body is beginning to store excess fat. When blood sugar levels are optimal, you can get the proper energy you need from food. If your blood sugar begins rising, cut out simple carbohydrates and up your activity levels to counteract the negative impacts of this increase.

4. Glasses of Water

Although this seems simple, it is extremely important that you are aware of the amount of water you are consuming on a regular basis. Without being careful, you can easily dehydrate your body. When you get enough water, your body is able to digest properly. In addition, it has the capacity it needs to complete other daily functions with clarity.


There are other numbers that matter in your health journey, including hours of sleep, cholesterol levels, and Vitamin B levels. By eating a diverse diet that is stockpiled with whole foods, you will soon begin consuming the nutrients you need to improve the systems of your entire body.


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